Land-Ally Methodology
A research method for interdisciplinary investigation and design,
A tool in producing site-specific, contextually appropriate work.

A long period of relationship building between the land-ally and the land-community takes place. Firstly sensorial: through being, observing, sensing, and secondly rational: by comprehending the full scope of the landscape’s context through historical, ecological and cultural research of the site.
A long period of relationship building between the land-ally and the land-community takes place. Firstly sensorial: through being, observing, sensing, and secondly rational: by comprehending the full scope of the landscape’s context through historical, ecological and cultural research of the site.
A long period of relationship building between the land-ally and the land-community takes place. Firstly sensorial: through being, observing, sensing, and secondly rational: by comprehending the full scope of the landscape’s context through historical, ecological and cultural research of the site.
Possible imbalances and human-caused interventions are identified with the aim of improving the well-being of the land community and reversing human-caused suffering.
The response is formulated with an unapologetically local attitude: Animal- and plant-species on the site, local materials and local crafts for the basis of the design process. For Instance: Care routines are developed in response to the interspecies comrades present on the land. Collaborative routines are developed to return balance, diversity and wellbeing to the land.
Depending on the site: objects may created to facilitate interspecies collaboration, humans are invited to participate in acts of land-allyship through experiences of caregiving.
The objects are installed, research presented, and it's time to let the methodology run its course through interspecies
collaboration, public interaction, and the passing of time.
Aftercare can take shape in setting up a local care community, presenting the work through an exhibition or film, or appointing a new local land-ally to safeguard te site.
Land-Ally is a foundation with ABNI status, thus: a land adopted by the foundation can become its own legal entity. Giving rights to a piece of land and all life on it.